Ed Sutt saves Lives

I first became aware of Ed and his life-saving creation through reading Seth Godin’s book ‘Linchpin.’  Linchpin is a great read, and I highly recommend it.

Ed was touring the Caribbean in the wake of Hurricane Marilyn.  Over 80% of the homes were destroyed.  Not just destroyed, but DESTROYED.  The people has their lives changed that day.

But Ed wasn’t satisfied with just looking at the destruction.  He was thinking.  He was an idea man.

Ed noticed that it was not so much the wood that was damaged as it was the nails holding the wood together that failed.  Wow.  Insight.  But he took it further.  To have the insight was good; to do something about it was great!

And, according to Seth, Ed spent the next number of years designing a nail that would not fail, or that at least would not fail under the same conditions.

I looked up Ed on the Internet, and was led to this Wikipedia article.  It offers good insight.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HurriQuake

A few thoughts.

Great nail!  It will save lives.  Thank you, Ed and Stanley Bostitch.

And why is it when I search for Ed, I find more information about his nails?  Of course, it was his nail design that brought him fame, and I get this.

But it is Ed’s persistence in looking for a better way that brought the nail.  Something inside of Ed that kept him going.

So, thanks for the nail Ed.  But thank you for your persistence.  It’s this that makes your story great, and not just the nail.

I stole this photo from the Internet.  Ed, if you happen to read this, please let me know if this is you, or just someone holding up the nail you invented.


Ed Sutt

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Author. Adventurer. Psychotherapist.

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